"Many people talk about how stressed that are as a way of getting attention," says Bertolucci. "But it's better to appear in control." Many people dive into stressful situations because it creates a buzz of being wanted. But this feeling can be very addictive. "Getting stressed releases adrenalin into your system, which gives you a short-term high," she adds. "This natural high can be just as addictive as an illegal high. It makes you chase after stress, just like a junkie would chase after their next fix."
"Don't kid yourself that you're creating stress because you work best under pressure," advises Bertolucci. "There's a difference between positive stress (eustress) and negative stress (distress). Competitive stress disorder is negative stress and has the same set of health risks."
"Don't worry about things you can't control - it's a waste of energy," says Bertolucci. "If you concentrate on developing your inner confidence, it won't matter what everyone else thinks."
Felicity Percival
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