Domonique Bertolucci is the best-selling author of Your Best Life: the ultimate guide to creating the life you want and the closely guarded secret
 behind some of the country’s most successful people.

As a 'successpert', Domonique has built a reputation as the go-to-girl for quotes, comments and expert insights on a wide range of personal development topics. She has given over 100 interviews across all forms of media including television, radio, print and digital media; more than 10 million people have seen, read or heard her advice.

Domonique divides her time between Sydney and London. She lives with her husband and young daughter, and in her spare time can be found at the cinema, practicing yoga and keeping up the great Italian tradition of feeding the people you love.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

So Stressed! Crazy Busy! Totally Nuts!

According to personal coach Domonique Bertolucci, founder of Sydney-based Success Strategies (, "There can be a sense of satisfaction in knowing that you're doing better than someone else. But this feeling can have a destructive effect on your relationship with friends and colleagues."

"Many people talk about how stressed that are as a way of getting attention," says Bertolucci. "But it's better to appear in control." Many people dive into stressful situations because it creates a buzz of being wanted. But this feeling can be very addictive. "Getting stressed releases adrenalin into your system, which gives you a short-term high," she adds. "This natural high can be just as addictive as an illegal high. It makes you chase after stress, just like a junkie would chase after their next fix."

"Don't kid yourself that you're creating stress because you work best under pressure," advises Bertolucci. "There's a difference between positive stress (eustress) and negative stress (distress). Competitive stress disorder is negative stress and has the same set of health risks."

"Don't worry about things you can't control - it's a waste of energy," says Bertolucci. "If you concentrate on developing your inner confidence, it won't matter what everyone else thinks."

Felicity Percival
Cleo, September 2004

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