Domonique Bertolucci is the best-selling author of Your Best Life: the ultimate guide to creating the life you want and the closely guarded secret
 behind some of the country’s most successful people.

As a 'successpert', Domonique has built a reputation as the go-to-girl for quotes, comments and expert insights on a wide range of personal development topics. She has given over 100 interviews across all forms of media including television, radio, print and digital media; more than 10 million people have seen, read or heard her advice.

Domonique divides her time between Sydney and London. She lives with her husband and young daughter, and in her spare time can be found at the cinema, practicing yoga and keeping up the great Italian tradition of feeding the people you love.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Goal Getting

Coaches traditionally help us to get the most out of sport but what about life?

Domonique Bertolucci said there are three simple steps to achieving your goals:
  1. Know where you want to be
  2. Know what you need to do
  3. Do it

The first step is to write down your goal. Bertolucci points to a  1953 Yale study where students were asked if they had written down their goals. Only 3 percent answered yes.  Twenty years on, the participants were contacted again and the researchers found that the three percent who had written down their goals had amassed more material wealth than the remaining 97 percent put together.

" Simply by writing them down you are having a greater chance of getting them and doing something about it; the more you can see your goal the more effective it will be", Bertolucci told Mind&Body.

"You're communicating with your subconscious about your expectations and that tends to compel you to start putting it into action."

Goals can and should be set in all areas of your life, Bertolucci said. " You only have one life, so it's important that you love it," she writes at the start of her book.

Monica Videnieks
The West Australian, Mind & Body, 27th June 2006 

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